Palak Kachori and What Took Me So Long

Spinach Kachori 2

We  spent the New Year’s eve with some of our closest friends. We did nothing but chatted, ate some simple home cooked meal, shared stories while cardamom tea was simmering on the stovetop, laughed with each other and quietly ate some sitafal ice-cream while baby monitor in the background could tell that the kids are asleep. Next morning over breakfast we were discussing our new year’s resolution. Answering the question I realized how important this blog has become to me and how important all my readers have become to me. In the past few months a lot of things happened (and still happening) in my personal and “professional” life as a food writer. Those things have been keeping me so busy that the time I spend here on my blog and in connecting with you has suffered. Irrespective of that, you have been very patient and supportive of me, but you might have to bear with me for a little more. Why? Well, let me tell you the story then!


So one fine morning the publishers came knocking on the door. I opened the door and asked how I can help them. They asked, “can you write a book for us”? I looked behind, left and right and checked if they were actually talking to me. After a lot of affirmation when I finally believed that it was actually a real proposal I was ecstatic. I might have screamed a little harder, but who cares! The next thing I know I am testing recipes and writing a proposal. Proposal for a BOOK that I am going to WRITE! I can’t believe that I just wrote those three words together. Its been sometime since I said yes and I still cannot believe that its happening. You have no idea how tough it was to keep all of this from you. But now that its out of my chest I can sleep soundly today. So my friends, that is what kept me busy and away from Indian Simmer all this time and the move (yes, I moved again!) and a vacation and a mad family! Well, story behind that might ask for another post(s).


But before anything else, today I just want to take a moment and say Thank You to each and everyone of you who have always supported me. Thanks for taking some valuable minutes of your day to come and read my blog. Thanks for being appreciative and for your constructive criticism of whatever I put forward on Indian Simmer. Two years ago I would not have thought in my wildest dreams that one day I will be a cookbook author and it has all happened just because of You so thanks so much for being there for me. And I really hope that you will be by my side all along this ride!

Now lets put the mushy talk aside and talk food, shall we? A lovely blogger friend reached out to me sometime back and asked if I would be able to contribute something to her beautiful blog. After much long email exchanges, we finally decided to dig back again to my childhood and bring back something with which will tag along a lot of memories. So I chose Palak (Spinach) ki Kachori, a simple crispy deep fried bread but packed with love and healthy goodness.

Spinach Kachori

My mom used to make them when we were little and me and my brother ate them so much that I promise we still have some spinach stuck in our teeth. They are easy to make and just ask for a few basic ingredients like water, flour, salt.. Oh, and spinach. You can either make them plain or stuff something inside and fry them. Trust me however hard you try you will not be able to mess them up! So please hop over to Sandhya’s Kitchen for the recipe.


  1. Hello,
    We love your recipes, especially when its on Palak Kachori.
    These are so delicious.
    I have always looked at your blog for the various pictures and the way you write.Just Love it!
    You have shared some nice information about Palak Kachori in this post.
    The points you mentioned are genuine and perfect.
    The content completely describes about the topic you wanted to portray with us.
    Thanks for sharing such valuable post.

    VentairIndia Team

  2. Prerna…I’m so sorry that I’m late in congratulating you..just goes to show I’m so out of touch that I got to know about this only now. You are so talented and your space has a unique touch to it! You truly deserve this! Congratulations!

  3. That is wonderful! Looking forward to your cookbook–your photographs are lovely and I’m sure it will be loaded with goodness!

  4. Prerna!! This is amazing! I’m so happy for you! And to think…I will be able to say I knew you way back when at your very first food blog conference… 🙂 I can’t wait to read your book. I’m sure it will be just beautiful and lovely like your blog. I miss you friend – I’d love to see you sometime soon, but maybe you are too famouse for us common folk now? 🙂

    • Oh my gosh, famous n all huh?! Its friends like you who keep me on a check and help my head stay on my shoulders :-)I miss you too lovely and we sure will meet soon. Or can can still just fly up to CA for summers as you always wanted 🙂

    • Congratulations ka C kahan gaya? I am not taking this 🙂
      I know friends like you will alsways be happy for me. Thanks for being there love 🙂

  5. A book? with paper and ink? That’s so exciting!! and to think we loved you back when you were an ordinary person like us. 🙂

    Congratulations – it’s richly deserved.

  6. Congratulations Prerna!!!! What wonderful and exciting news!!! I can’t say I’m surprised publishers came knocking at your door, your blog is stunning, your writing heartfelt and your photography is breathtaking. Wishing you all the best for your new career as a cookbook author!

  7. Prerna! This is ah-mazing news!!! I can’t believe you kept it from me for so long–harumph.

    Well, I’ve been wanting to learn how to cook Indian food for a while now, so I can’t wait to get my hands on your book, and it’d better be a signed copy! 😀

  8. Congratulations !!! Thats good news for us ! We crave 1 recipe per weak n now we’ll get a whole treasure to keep n keep going back to !! Can’t wait for the d-day ! Plz spare me a copy… Pretty pleeeeease !
    All the very best !
    – Neha

  9. Yay!! Congrats!!! You know It will be my first Indian cookbook! I could never bring myself to buy one and did not know why!! I guess i was waiting for your book:) will you sign it for me??:)

  10. Oh Prerna! That’s such fantastic news! I am so excited for my fellow Indian girlfriend and will definitely be picking it up so make sure I can get it in Egypt please now that we’re back here. Wishing you the best of luck and lots of hugs from Cairo.

    • Thanks Sarah! Well the publishers distribute all around the world so hoping that they do so in Egypt too. Will have to confirm but even if they don’t you will get your copy! 🙂

  11. FANTABULOUS news! SOOOO happy for you Prerna!
    You deserve it! Many Hearty Congratulations!

    Cannot wait to see your cookbook in print..

    Those kachoris look so fluffy awesome btw..
    Also, loved the spinach in the bowl shot.. Neat use of complimentary colors..

  12. Prerna! I’m doing a happy dance for you, I send you congratulation hugs! Very well deserved, I can not wait to see your name and beautiful food in print!

  13. Hey sweets, Finally the words are out to the world. I have been waiting to rant about it to others for quite sometime. So here again – Congrats! congrats! congrats! You very well deserve this. Waiting to get hold of the book.

    • Thanks Viji darling! You can hold the book as much as you want once I finish it. Till then you better cook me some rasam and chawal and keep me going 🙂

  14. Congratulations! I can only imagine how excited you are:) And I am happy that it was because of this that you were MIA:) Are you going to be the photographer, too?

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